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Épinard Crevette

Épinard Crevette

Pan Seared shrimp in a lemon butter sauce atop a bed of wilted baby spinach topped with a citrus and smoked pimento creme fraiche. Crazy good. In 30 minutes from start to finish. Fast food my way.

The Recipe!

~ 1/2 lb of baby greens such as spinach or mixed greens
~ 1 lb. of large shrimp (peeled)
~ Lemon Juice
~ Sea salt and Fresh ground pepper
~ 1 1/2 cups of creme fraiche (made with one cup of sour cream and one cup of heavy cream mixed together left overnight in a covered bowl on the kitchen counter)
~ Butter
_ 1 teaspoon of smoked (or regular) paprika
~ 1 teaspoon of balsamic vinegar
~ 2 tablespoons of TOASTED sesame oil
~ Herbs de Province


Combine 1 1/2 cups of creme fraiche in a small saucier pot with the juice of one lemon ( appx.2 tablespoons), a pinch of salt, pinch of sugar, paprika and several grinds of the pepper mill. Put on lowest flame on back right burner (smallest burner made for sauces) and stir occasionally.

Meanwhile wilt greens in a low fire with vinegar, large pinch of salt, several grinds of the pepper mill and toasted sesame oil. Cook until slightly wilted. This recipe can be done with frozen chopped spinach, but you will have to drain (very well by tipping pan and pressing spinach down with a spatular) the water completely out of the pan after first cooking with 2 teaspoons of butter for 7 minutes, then adding remainder of ingredients just listed and cooking for 2 more minutes. Remove from heat and let sit.

Melt 4 tablespoons of butter in a pan on medium heat and add shrimp. Turn each shrimp to get both sides slightly golden, about 4 minutes. Add juice of 1/2 lemon (a good tablespoon), a pinch of sea salt and few grinds of the pepper mill.

Place greens on individual plates, top with shrimp, then spoon sauce over. Top with a sprinkling of herbs de province.

Bon Appetite!

Épinard Crevette

Épinard Crevette


Author deniebernier

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